Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Test Taking

Can I just say that I have been out of school for so long that the mere thought of taking a test makes me want to cry! I took my first test about 3 weeks ago and got an 84% on it (okay, but I wasn't pleased with it. . . I know I can do better than that). I had my second test in Psychology yesterday on 4 chapters and I was so nervous, but I got a 90%! Wahoo! Much better, but I still know I can do better than that. I think I might make it through school after all, with my sanity intact.

So Ang, sorry I have not done by Tag "assignment," but I have been busy studying and trying to move Curves to our new location.


  1. BJ, you don't need another homework assignment, so only do it if you want to. I thought that it was fun. I am so happy for your test results, of course you will make it thru!

  2. I will really try to get around to it. . . I think it is fun too, just feeling a little overwhelmed right now.

  3. BJ
    Way to go--success on those tests. You
    Rock!! I know I'd have trouble finding
    the pencil, heck with the test. Sher

  4. Hang in there! It gets easier as you get used to it. You can do it! Angela
